Table Of Contents
1. OxyPatcher Tips
2. CyberStorm MKIII,PPC
3. Overclocking 060's
4. BlizKick Tips
5. Avoid 060 Water Bug
6. AmigaQuake Sky GFX Bug
7. Quake Pixel-Shit with 603e+



OxyPatcher Tips
If you use the OxyPatcher and the the TOOLTYPE USEMMU=1 you should start Quake without the option -mmuhack, otherwise Quake render process CRASHES! . In opposite you can change USEMMU to 0 and start Quake with -mmuhack.
I don't know what kind of option is faster, I saw no difference. And USEMMU=1 does not speed up my WB in any case, or do not see that. :)



CyberStorm MKIII,PPC
If you have 60ns ram installed the memory access on a MkIII/PPC060side increases from 38mB/s to 47mB/s. This translates to roughly 1fps increase in speed using timedemo demo2. At 100% screen size, I now get 12.40fps. This also includes using rom2fast, P96/CGX rendering, and a 320*200 Picasso96 screen on a PicassoIV card. The max speed is 22.01 fps at 30% full detail. I've reached over 29fps using the mipscale and other tricks at the lowest screen size. Just to see how fast it gets. But I always play Quake at 100%.

Thanx to Joe sending me this info! ;)



Overclocking 060's
1. Overclocking Blizzard1260
I have overclocked my blizzard1260 to 64Mhz (fastest chip i could find at the time) This works fine for quake as I get 12.98FPS using a DBLNTSC monitor driver on a SVGA screen. this is without a graphics card.

Thanx to Steve Bicknell sending me this info! ;)
WebMasters Note: I've heard that the SCSI Kit won't work with any acceleration! Anyone some infos?

2.Overclocking CyberStorm MKx
Sorry, german only!
Also man gehe in einen Electronikladen und kaufe sich mehrere Quarzoszillatoren (Quarze) und zwar wenn m�glich in der selben form wie auf der Turbokarte und den dazu passenden Sockel (zwecks` testen was geht). Das alte Quarz ausl�ten und den Sockel an der Stelle wieder einsetzen (L�ten). Nun das kleinste Quarz �ber der Normalfrequenz des alten Quarzes auf den Sockel stecken und Rechner einschalten - Test! Geht! Bei einer 1230Iv bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher ob es funktioniert ich hab ihr gleich nen` 66er reingedr�ckt was nat�rlich nicht ging. Bei der 1240/40 gehts` bis ca. 50MHz, funny echt! Hier braucht man immer die doppelte Taktfrequenz welche der Prozessor dann haben soll weil der Takt am Prozessor halbiert wird - bei 50MHz also 100Mhz Quarz.Der L�fter und K�hlk�r�er sollte auch "verst�rkt" werden, von nem` 486DX4/100 oder so. F�r viel frischluftzufuhr sollte man auch sorgen, sonst kotzt der Prozessor sofort ab!! Bei der 060 Karte gehts` bis jetzt mit 70MHz was aber schon das Limit ist denke ich. Generell kann man fast jede Karte �bertakten, ein paar MHzchen gehen immer. Einfach immer ein bischen h�her tasten, probieren ist alles. Die Quarze kosten zwischen 7 und 10DM, der Sockel ca.20Pf. Ach ja, auf dem Quarz ist an einer Ecke ein Punkt welches wieder so eingesetzt werden sollte, weil sonst das Quarz hin ist - sonst passiert nichts! Die Motorola Prozessoren sind sehr robust und intelligent dazu, wenn eine �berlastung vorliegt regelt der Prozessor sich selbst zur�ck. Das System wird dann halt langsamer oder h�ngt sich auf - abk�hlen lassen - weitermachen - gut Und sollte wirklich einmal nichts mehr gehen einfach das alte Quarz wieder drauf und - l�uft( mu� ja nicht gleich wieder das alte sein, halt ein kleineres) Tja, dann die neue MKIII oder PPC Karte - hab ich noch leider nicht in den Fingern gehabt - da sind gleich zwei zum frisieren drauf h� h�! Bei diesen Karten k�nnte es aber Probleme geben weil ich glaube gesehen zu habe,da� da nur ein Quarz f�r die Prozessoren drauf ist. Der PPC hat kein eigenes Quarz, was hei�en kann, er wird anders angetaktet �ber das Quarz des 060ers, was ich aber nicht beschw�ren kann.

Thanx to Tobias Veit sending me this info! ;)



BlizKick Tips
Steve Bicknell wrote me:

I have just found out why I get such good frame rates in QUAKE it is BlizKick by Harry Sintonen.

I use the command:
BlizKick * EXTRESBUF=600 LOCALFAST HOGWAITBLIT MODULE MoveVBR FixMath404 hackdisk noclick bblank RemCards PrepareEmul PatchMath020 QUIET >NIL:

The most important part of the command is HOGWAITBLIT. With this command I get frame rates of 12-13 FPS without it I get about 9 FPS. Also I use the mmuhack option in quake with Oxypatcher the tool type set to UseMMU=1 and all is OK.

Authors Note:

I test it and found out that my Blizzard now gets ca. 2 MIPS more. Allthough my WB seems to be a bit faster. Also I noticed that Quake runs a bit faster, but I do not made a FPS-Test yet. My opinion: USE IT! it's worth!.

Many thanx to Steve! :)

But USEMMU=1 in OxyPatchers Tooltype + Quake -mmuhack crashed my system, so it seems to be that this is caused by another program running... so I have to find it out...

My command after SetPatch is:

BlizKick can be found at aminet/util/boot



Avoid 060 Water Bug
All you have to do to stop the 060 version of Quake messing up in the water is turn off the water warp effect. It is a shame to loose it, but at least it works!! To turn off waterwarping, type r_waterwarp 0 at the console. Thanx to John Newman posting me this info!



AmigaQuake Sky GFX Bug

Funny enough that no one noticed this bug? I remember that bug, which takes affect if you look onto the sky! The sky gfx "overlays" for example your weapon or a monster. The bug also affects in version 1.0 and in the "new" 060 version! I am wondering that clickBOOM does not realize that. Sometimes I have the feeling that clickBOOM are not able to code an own game, they can only compile ports or 3rd party written source-codes. But that're rumours and my own thoughts! I have heard that this effect does not occurs in the illegal ppc-port! Does anyone know if this effect does not occur in any illegal port? If that is the fact, I can be right with my thought! Please inform me about that!

Here are 3 screenshots for showing the effect:

John Newman's shot
Received from John Newman
The shotgun is partly behind the sky
My Quake V1.0
First AmigaQuake version
The thunderbolt is partly behind the sky
My Quake V1.01
Same level with 060 Version
and again!



Quake Pixel Shit with 603e+
Here's a question which I cannot answer! (I do not have a PPC Card) So Dudes, please help him! ;))

The problem with Quake Iam having is a grey bar running down the left side of the screen after it is started. It had run just great till I put in my 603e+ 240mhz powerup board. Every thing else is running fine like vdoom,trapped2,Genetic Species and so on. I hoping someone else has had the same problem.

Please send some answers to The WebMaster and (if more detailed re-questions to Michael French

Do you have a problem and need help? Or do you had an problem and successfully removed the problem? Send the stuff to Actinic